VOODOOfrom december 14 2017 there can not be any notes anymore but this can be done in guestbook now. all the old ones who are not in guestbook i have in word, so you can ask..
Also thanks to Germany, schneeeule and pummelfee, Holland, Marjaatje and others whoever will help me.
Feels like spring
G go up ladder and take all right and left, go up ladder, set bridge left, go left down, plant bean, take all, go up and left down, drill, plant bean, take all go home
N left down, go right down 3x, drill, 2x, go right down, plant bean, go up take yarn…..B right down, left down 3x, drill, go left down, plant bean, take yarn, go right, drill, set 3 bridges right take yarns, tp. right, go right,…. N via B go home…..B 1 step up plant, tp. right, home
G take right and left all, go on red, weigh down…..B on lila…..N with umbrella lef tand right down, take all, go left, tp. left, take key, plant bean under bridgepin, take it, 1 step down, set bridge right take yarn, tp. up, go home…..B go left on triangle, go home…..G go home
B go right, plant bean…..N go right, set bridge, take yarn, go down plant take left yarn, go down, plant, go right via island for yarn, go right all the way, for yarn, 2 steps left, tp. up, drill, plant bean, take right yarn, go up all the way for yarn, take it, go down, set bridge left 1 step under flowting yarn, take it, go left via yarn down, go left up plant, set bridge left under triangle, go to triangle above door…..B go to N together down, home
B take yarn, 1 step back, tp.up, 1 step right…..G go right up. Tp. up, plant bean, go up go left down, 1 step up and left 1 step down, drill, plant bean, go right up for yarn, 1 step back, drill, go left, drill, set bridge right under island, go up, drill, set bridge take yarn, go up plant, go via B left for yarn, go back to plant, and go under door, right up for yarn, go up plant, tp. right for last yarn, all go home
G take drillpin…..B go right for umbrella and with umbrella right down…..G drill, go right down, and again, down, go right up take all, plant bean, on the right, take telepin…..B with umbrella right down, 1 step right, tp. right over triangle, go up plant, and with umbrella right on triangle, home…..G go home…..N with umbrella down, and again with umbrella down, go right up to wall, tp. right, home
N go left take all, tp. left take bean, 1 step right…..G take drillpin, go right above right bean, drill, plant bean, go up take left drillpins, go up take right yarn, go up go left under yarn, drill, plant bean, take all there is go up plant for yarn…..B drill 2x and with umbrella left down on telepin, go up plant, go left before ladder…..G via B take yarn, go down on key, drill, take yarn, tp. right…..N plant bean, go home…..G go home…..B 1 step right, tp. down, home
G take all there is via ladders, go back up and via B go right up and down for telepins…..B 1 step down, go right, tp. right go on red…..G go right for bean, go back plant bean left from laser, go up take yarn, go right take yarn, tp. down, go left for yarn and telepin, go down in ladder, set bridge, go home…..B tp. right, go up plant, set bridge right above laser, go home
N tp down, take yarn, tp. left go with umbrella left down, plant bean, drill, and withumbrella down, plant bean, go up take 6 yarns, 2 steps down plant, go left down 2x, drill, take left yarn, tp. left, plant bean, go up, tp. right to yarn, tp. right, go down plant and right down to before door, drill, take left yarn, plant bean, take key, go home
N take key and telepin, tp. up for yarn, go down to bean…..B on blue…..N tp. up, go right down on step, plant bean, go up take right yarn and telepin, go up on top, go right down take all there is, go left down, set bridge left under balloon, go up plant on top, set bridge left, go back down…..B tp. left on bridge, tp. up, home…..N take last yarn, go up plant on bridge, tp. up, home
G go left for telepins,tp. up, go left up on blue …..B go left on triangle, drill 1x go on blue…..G left up, drill, planty bean, set bridge right, take bridgepin, go up plant and right for drillpin, go back left to N, 1 step left up, drill, take bridgepins, go right …..N left on balloon…..G also on balloons where N is…..B off and on blue…..N go left down on balloons…..B off and on blue…..G take right yarn, go left down on yarn, go right up and set 3 bridges to the right take right bridgepin, go back left, and up, set bridge, take yarn, go up plant….. B on blue…..G go right all the way above right yarn…..B off blue….>G tp. down, go up plant again…..B on blue…..G go all the way right to last island, wait……B down plant go right in door…..N fall on B…..G tp. right on key all go home
G left on red…..N with umbrella down on B take weighpin…..G weigh down…..N take all on the right…..B tp.right, go on triangle go on red…..N down take right candy…..G go righty down, 1 step right…..B 1 step left…..G via B go right, tp.right, take left up telepin, go right to right candy, 2 steps back up, drill, for candy, go left up and down, take all there is…..N set 2 bridges….B on right bridge, tp. down on lila, 1 step right…..N fall on B…..B on lila, tp. down, set bridge left, go right down…..N 1 step left, tp. down, go on B…..G go left down on bridge…..B drill, all go home
Young Love
B go down, tp right, go right, tp.right,plant bean, take yarn, go up, go left via triangles down, go right, set bridge, go up plant, go left, drill, take 2 yarns, go left on triangles, go home
N go down to yarn in ladder, go up for weighpin, go again up for weighpin, go up, go right on triangles, weigh down 2x, take drillpin, 1 step back, drill, go right down on bean……G plant bean, go up, take all on the left, go down a bit, set 2 bridges right, go up, go right down, take all, go up plant, set bridge left, go left, drill 2x…..N plant bean, go up…..G set 2 bridges left, go left down for last yarn, all go home
N go left take all, go right on red, weigh down……B go down, tp right, take all, set bridge, on bridge, tp.right……G go right, take all there is, go on blue, weigh down……N tp right, go right, take bean, 1 step right, plant it, take telepin…..B go right, tp. right, go right, take key……N via B go up and right, tp. up to yarn on ladder, take left yarn…..B and N go up plant, tp. up all go home
B left on triangles, plant bean, go up, take left yarn, go up for telepin, tp. up to telepin, tp.left, take bridgepin, set bridge, take bean and with umbrella left down, plant bean, go up take 2 telepins left, go down plant, tp. right, plant bean, go up for telepin, take yarn, tp right to telepin, tp right, go down plant a bit, tp right to upper bean, plant it, take right telepin, tp.right, plant bean, go up, tp.up on triangle, plant bean, go up take yarn, go down, take right bean, plant it, take umbrella and with umbrella right down, plant bean, go up, 1 step left, plant bean, go up for telepin, go down plant and left up plant, tp. left, take telepin, tp. down, home…..you don’t need right up telepin….
B go right…..G via B take yarn…..N go right for telepin…..G tp. right, take umbrella go left down, take right yarn, go left down…..B go left with umbrella left down, take yarn, go right down……N set bridge, on bridge, tp down to yarn and telepin, tp down, take all, go right down 2x, go right, set bridge right…..B go right before yarns and G go left down and take the yarns via B…..G go left up take all, drill, all go home
B go right take all, go back left, drill to N, go right 2 steps…..N via B take bridgepin, 1 step right down…..B go down steps for 2 telepins, go left under yarn…..N fall on B take left ysrn, back right down and left down, take drillpin, set brodge, go right to island with triangle…..B go right down, …..G drill, plant bean, go up take all on the right, go down plant, set 3 bridges left, go left all the way, tp.up to yarn, go right take yarn via B……B go right…..G via B take yarn, go right up plant, go home…..N tp. right on bridges, go home…..B tp. right on bridges, go up, go left, tp. left, go home
N, set bridge lef tand with umbrella left down, go down for yarn and telepin, tp right, go right tp. up to telepin, set bridge right above spikes, go right, tp. up for yarn, go right tp. up for bean, plant it, take key, tp. left for bridgepin, set bridge lef tand with umbrella left down, 1 step left, tp. up, plant bean, take telepin and yarn, 1 step up, tp.left, go left, tp. lef tand with umbrella left down, plant bean, set 3 bridges right, take yarn go up plant for last yarn, go home
B go right, tp over triangle…..G drill, take right yar, back up, set bridge right….B go right on triangles…..G on his head…..B 1 step left….G go via B left up for yarn, tp. leftm go left up, drill, go right all the way take all, 1 step back up, set bridge, via B go left up above left yarn, drill, do the same for the other 2 yarns, all go home
G take drillpin, 1 step up…..B go left 1x down, plant bean, drill, take telepin, go on blue…..G tp. down for bean, go right down, set bridge right, go right, plant bean under plant, go up plant, and via door take left yarn, go left for yarn, go left down all the way, go right 1x up, set bridge go up plant go right fot yarn on balloons, go back down plant half way, go right on balloon, tp right to yarn, take all, go left, tp. up, take all, set bridge left, go left to left balloons, set bridge under upper yarn, go up plant, go left above yarn…..B off and on blue…..G go up plant, take key all can go home
B 1 step left down, drill, go on blue……G, go right and down, go left down for yarn, go to left ladder, set bridge take yarn, set bridge to the other yarn take it, take key and drillpin and give N and B the umbrella’s so G can take 1 bean, go down and right 1x up, plant bean, go up take right yarn, go left down on ladders, take the other bean, go up plant, tp. up, go right for yarn, 3 steps left, drill, plant bean, go up go left on lila…..N take weighpin…..G weigh down…..N and B with umbrella’s go up and left down…..G left down all home
G left down…..B with umbrella left down…..N take bean, go on red, weigh down…..B go left, tp left over spikes, plant bean, go up for telepin, go back down, tp. left, take bridgepins, set bridge left to ladder, take weighpin, go left down for pins, go left for telepin, 2 steps right, give him the umbrella…..G tp. up for bean, tp. left, go left up plant take yarns, 1 step left…..N on lila, weigh down…..B plant bean, go up go on red……G go up left plant, take right yarns, go back up and left down on yarn, go up plant go left all the way and left down, go right, set 2 bridges right, go right down, plant bean, go up take key, go home…..B on lila…..N go right down plant, go left…..B on red……N go home…..B with umbrella left down, go home
G take left and right and on sticks all you can go on blue, weigh down…..N take left drillpin, go left, tp. left, go up for weighpin, go via sticks down take 2 candy’s, go left down to sticks, take candy, go on blue, weigh down….G go right tot he middle island, drill, plant bean, take key, go up take all, go right for candy, go back left all the way and down on candy, go home…..B drill 2x, go right down take all, tp. left, go home…..N go home
Voodoo Footy
B 1 step left, go left for telepin, go right, tp.up for bean, go left, plant bean under balls, go home
B take all…..N take ball, take all there is, go to left island, plant bean, go up take the 2 balls near door, go down plant take drillpin, go right down fort he 2 balls, go home…..B set bridge to plant…..G drill, go up take key, all go home
N drill 1x…..B go to N, together down…..N tp. down 2x…..B tp down 2x, drill, …..G take all, go down, tp. down 2x, all home
B tp. left, via triangles take all, go down take bean, go left, tp. left 2x, go left, plant bean, go up, 1 step right on triangle, take ball, go up take right ball, go up and via triangles go down to key, go right on triangles and again right on triangles, take last ball, go home
B take left ball and bean, go right via triangles down to ball, plant bean, go up take telepin, up and left on triangles, go left down, 1 step left, tp.up for telepin, go left, tp.left to bean, go left, plant bean, go up for telepin, go up for left ball, and via triangles left for bal land telepin, go left, tp.up, plant bean, go up, take the 2nd telepin, go up, tp.up to telepin, 1 step right, tp. right and via triangles take bal land telepin, tp. left go on triangles, go down via triangles, go up plant, take right telepin , go up, 1 step right, tp. right, tp.up go right via triangles, home
G go left for bridgepin…..B set bridge, go left up, tp. up take all, go right down, go right up ladder on top…..G via B go up ladders for bridgepin and telepin, go left down for ball…..B stand left under bridgepin…..G via B take it…..N set bridge take bal land telepin, tp. up 2x, go down…..B under right ball, plant bean, go up and set 2 bridges left to long island…..N go home…..G go up plant, go left via B and down, plant bean, 1 step right, drill, go right down on ball, go up plant…..B go up ladders on top off 2nd ladder, so G can take all via B ….. B and G go down plant, go right, set bridge, all go home…..you don’t need the telepin
B on lila…..G go right down, go right take all there is, go left to wall, tp. left, take ball, go left, plant bean, go up take left bridgepin, go up take right telepin, set bridge, take right ball, go up plant, take umbrella, home…..N go left on lila, weigh down….B 1 step right, tp. down, take bal land with umbrella right on triangle for ball, go left on triangle, take left ball, go right for telepin, tp. down to ball, 1 step down ladder, set bridge, go left up left ladder, set bridge, go left, tp left, go home…..N go left up plant, tp. up go home
G go up for drillpin, drill, go right up for telepin, go right for bridgepin, go right 1 step down, set bridge left, take ball, go right down for ball, go right for bridgepin, go right for bean and ball, go left, tp. up to ladders, go right up, set bridge right, goright, plant bean, go up take bridgepin, go left, set bridge, go left all the way and down on ball,…..B tp. right,…..G go right up via for telepin…..B go right up ladder, tp. up to G, go right 1x down…..G via B take ball, go up plant…..B go up plant, stand under ball…..G via B take it…..B go left under telepin…..G via B take it…..B go left on ladder, tp. left, go left up ladders, on top off right ladder fron ball…..G go left, drill under ladder fall on ball, go all the way up again, go left up ladders, take right bal land take via B last ball, all go home
B go right…..G right down…..B drill, go on blue…..G go right up and right, plant bean in the middle under ball, go up, go left, to telepin, set bridge, go left via B take telepin, tp. dowqn, on ball, go left down on ball, go right up plant, go right down in door, set bridge left under balloons, tp.right, tp.left, go left up, go right down…..B off blue…..G on bridge, set another bridge, go left down on key, go right down on telepin…..B on blue…..G go left, tp. up for ball, go home…..N go home…..B go right up and right above bridges, tp.down, go home
B on blue…..N tp. up, go right and take all there is, go back left, tp. down to telepin, 1 step left, tp. left, go down and right down take all there is, go back above door, give him the umbrella…..B 1 step right…..N set bridge left, go right on lila, weigh down…..B take bean, tp. down, go on triangles down, plant bean, go up, all the way, set 2 bridges right, go on triangles, , go on red…..G via B take bean, go left, plant it, go up and right down on pins, 2 steps right, drill, go right…..B go up on blue…..G go up balloons, take all, tp. up to ball, go back down, go left…..B on red…..G go right to edge, drill, left up, drill, 1 step right, drill, left up drill, 1 step right, drill, left up, drill, 1 step right, drill, set 4 bridges take key, go back left up, tp. left, to ball, go left up, tp. up, go left up plant, go left via bridges left, tp. up, go right up all the way, set bridge left, on bridge, tp. up for ball, go left down, and up, and down all the way to the left, tp. up to ball, go right via ladders to drillpin in the middle, go up and right down to telepin, go right down for bean, drill, plant bean, sent G to the balls in the middle, and go up plant, then go right up, drill 2x…..B on red…..G take ball, drill 1x, go right down, go left, tp.left, go home…..N go left, tp. left, take last ball, go right under bridge, tp. up, home…..B go home
N take all,…..G take all…..B right on blue, set bridge…..G right down, and via B left down, drill, plant bean, go up take weighpin, and change places with B on blue, weigh down…..B go up plant, stand left…..N fall on B 1 step right, go left down …..Bgo down plant, set 2 bridges left, go left…..G off blue…..N fall on B go right…..B go on blue…..G via plant and balloons take left ball…..B off blue…..G go to plant…..B on bridge, set 2 more bridges…..G via B take bridgepin and bean and ball go left, before door plant bean…..B go left on 1st left bridge…..N set bridge right, take ball, go up all the way, go right down on B taking ball, go home…..G up plant, tp. up, take key, go left down for ball all go home
B take 2 telepins…..G take drillpin…..N tp. lef tand with umbrella right down, tp. left, take only the bean…..G tp right, fall on B go right, plant bean, go up and right down, 1 step right up, set bridge left, go right up, drill…..B go up plant, 1 step right, drill, go right to wall…..G via B go right up go right plant bean, go up set bridge right, …..N plant bean…..G go via plant take candy next to door, go home….N take all, go home…..B tp. right, go home
Warming Up
G go right up drill the step right from B away, go back left…..B 1 step right….G via B go right up, and right down, go home…..B plant bean and with umbrella go right down, go home
N tp right 20x and tp left 8x, home
G go right up and down, take all, go up…..B go left up for bean, go left on triangle, go left, plant bean, go up 1 step right…..N fall on B go down, go right on 2nd ladder, take yarn and telepin, go right 1 step, tp. up for bridgepin, go right down, for bean, go right, plant bean, go up, set bridge, go left and right and with umbrella right down, take all, set bridge right, take bean, plant it, go up, go right take all go home…..B go down, go right up 2nd ladder, tp. right, go right, tp. right, go home…..G plant bean, take last yarn, go left down, set bridge, go home
N left down and right down for yarn, go down take bean and 2 yarns, go right…..B plant bean go up 1 step left…..G go left down, go right doen for telepin and yarns, take it, go back left, up, tp. left, take bridgepin and bean, …..B plant bean, go up go right down on triangle…..N go to B fall on his head, go right down go right plant bean under ladder above, 1 step up, set bridge right, go right down plant bean, go up and left up plant and ladder…..B go up to N on red…..N go left on lila…..B 1 step left…..G go up to B and via B go left up take weighpin…..B on red…..N weigh down…..G take all on the left, go right down go home…..N go home…..B go home
N tp. right, go zig zag down, set bridge right, on bridge, tp. right, on triangle, plant bean, go up take right yarn, go up, tp. right for upper yarn, go right down take all…..B on triangle, tp. right to plant, go down half way, tp. right, go right on triangle, 1 step right, set 2 bridges, go on 2nd bridge…..N tp. up 2x, take last yarn, all go home
B right down for bridgepin and telepin, and down, 1 step right…..G take telepin, go left down, set bridge right, go down take all, tp. right and via B go up ladders, and right down for yarns, …..B stand right……G via B go right up take left yarn, back up, go right down…..B tp. right go right on top off little ladder…..G via B take all there is, go back up, go right down, set bridge…..B 1 step right, tp. right, go on bridge…..G via B go right up, set bridge left, on bridge…..B tp. up, go right on triangle, set bridge…..G go right for bean, plant it on triangle…..B go stand right…..G via B take right yarn, go up plant, take left yarn, go up for telepin, go home…..B go up all the way, 1 step left, tp. left, go home
With help from B on buttons N goes down and right down, go left…..G take bean in ladders, and plant bean left from blue, go up take umbrella and go on blue…..N with umbrella left down, go right down for weighpin, go right all the way for bean, plant it, go up take all, go down, go left from lila above, tp. up…..G weigh down…..B tp. left…..N plant bean, go on lila, weigh down…..B go right above plant…..G off blue go left down, go lef tand take yarn and key, go left for yarn, go home…..B go down, go left, set bridge all go home
G right down, take yarn below, go right up for yarn…..B right down to drillpin, drill, go left down, take all, to G drill, go right ……G go right upstep above ladder, …..N go right, drill above telepin, go left down for bean…..G plant bean, go up and left take yarn and telepin, go right up plant, tp. right to yarn, go left down plant, drill, go right up, tp right to yarn, go left take telepin, go up, plant, all the way, set bridge left, go left down for bean, go left down, plant bean, go up take telepin…..N go up plants, go left up ladder…..B go up plants, go left stand left from ladder so N can go home via B…..B go on ladder, tp. left…..G go to B take yarn above B, go left down take key, all go home
G take telepin, tp. down, set bridge, go right, tp. down for yarn and tp. Up, 1 step right, plant bean, go up, tp. up, plant bean, go up. Take all, tp. up, take bridgepins, set bridge, go right 1x down, set bridge, go right, set bridge take all on the right, go back above bean, tp. down, tp. right, set bridge right, go left, set bridge, go left, tp. left, set bridge right, on bridge, tp. right take all, plant bean, go up take all, tp. up, go right, plant bean under last yarn, take it, go right on bridge, tp. right, home
B right down, plant bean go on red…..N go up for yarn, go right down on yarn, take left yarn, drill, go right, tp. up for yarn, go down plant, go left for yarn, drill, 1 step right,, drill, take yarn, go left, tp. up, tp.left, take yarn, tp left 2x, go left down, plant bean, go up go to right plant, go up, tp. up 2x, go left down, and up ladders, set bridge to key, take it, go left all the way, set 2 bridges left, for yarn, 1 step back. Drill. Home…..B up plant, tp. up, home
B tp. up, go left, plant bean, go up go left, drill above red…..G drill, plant bean, go right, plant 2 more beans, take all, go left up, tp. left to door…..N drill, go left , plant 2 beans, take all, go to left yarn, tp. up, go right, tp. to door, home…..B tp down, go down ladder, tp. right to key, home
N set bridge right, take candy, go left via B for candy, go right via sticks for candy, go back to left stick, go down and right on 3d island from belowe, drill, set bridge, go left down for candy…..B go down and right for candy go down go right, plant bean, go up and set bridge right 1 step under candy, go up take candy, go right down…..N go up plant, go right via B right down to candy, and left down…..B left on triangles, set bridge, go right, tp. right go right on triangle, all go home
Dark Horse
B left via triangles down, take all, go right, tp.up,right on triangle, go right on triangles, go right, tp right,, take bean, 1 step back, plant it,go up and left on triangle, take candy, go up take left candy, go right for candy, and via triangles go home
Go left all the way down, go right up, take telepin, go down via triangles, go right take all, tp right, take bean, plant it, go up, take left bean and candy, go right on triangles and right on triangle plant bean, go right, set bridge take candy,go up plant take left candy, go right take all on triangles, take bridgepin, set bridge take last candy, home
B left down take telepin and candy, go left for bean, tp. up, go left down via triangles, take all, go right, tp up, go right for candy, go right 1x down,plant bean, go up, go right on triangle take candy, go up take left candy, go right take candy go on triangles, take bean, go back, plant it, take right candy, go up go right go home
B right down tot he little stick with triangle, go down on triangle, go left via sticks, up 2nd big stick from the lef tand stand before left candy…..N take right candy, go left for candy, take right candy, 1 step left, tp. left, go left up left big stick, go right down on B take candy…..B go right before candy…..N via B take candy all go home
N go right down on triangles…..B go down, tp. right, go on triangle, go right plant bean, go up and right vis sticks take all you can, go up plant, stand on top off right little stick…..N via B go right up and with umbrella take right candy…..B up plant on left triangles, go left for candy, go down, and up plant all the way, set bridge, go left above door, tp. down, home…..N do the same
B go right on triangles plant bean…..G go up and right down tot he wall…..B go up and left on triangles, go up, and right on triangles, tp. right, set 3 bridges right, go right, tp. right, plant bean, go up and left on triangles, go right down for last candy…..G via B go home…..B go up, tp. right, home
B 1 step down…..G go on his head, tp. up, take left candy, go left down, go right, tp. up for candy, go left down, go right 1x down, set bridge, on bridge…..B tp. down,take candy, drill, tp. down,, go left down, go left from bridge…..G go right up, drill, for candy, go via B left up above last candy, drill, go home…..B go left set bridge go home
B plant bean…..N go down for candy, go down, go left above candy, drill…..B on blue…..N tp. up, go left above candy…..B off blue…..N tp. up, take candy, go left, plant bean, go up take left candy, go up on top…..B on blue…..N tp. up take candy, 1 step back…..B off blue…..N go down plant…..B on blue…..N go left down on balloons, go right all the way, tp. up to plant, go up, …..B off blue…..N go on top, set 2 bridges left, go left down, drill 3x, plant bean, go up, go left, set bridge, on bridge, tp. up, go home…..B go up plant on top. Tp. up for last candy, go home
B on blue…..G via B go left up for candy, tp. up 2x, go right via balloons all the way, set bridge, take key, go back left above candy…..B off blue…..G go down for candy, go right to wall, drill, plant bean, go up all the way go right down, go right down again, go right, set bridge, take candy, go left down under stick…..B drill, set bridge, on bridge, tp. right, go right to wall…..G via B take left candy and go right up, drill for last candy, tp. left, all go home
B right down drill, go right down1x…..N go down tot he middle, set bridge, take right candy go right down on B take candy…..B go right on triangle take candy, tp.up to stick go up and stand on top off little stick…..N go right down gap, go left, set bridge, take candy, go right, tp. up to stick, go up take left candy, fall on B go up, set bridge right, go on triangle…..B go to N together down, go right down, plant bean, go up take last candy, all go home
G take telepin…..N with umbrella right down, go right, tp. right, take drillpin…..G drill, go left for bean, go back right, plant bean under gap, go up take right candy via B, go up plant, go left take all, go left down, go right to plant…..B go down plant, stamd left before door…..G via B take all, go home…..B go up plant, set bridge right, go right on triangles…..N fall on B go right, drill take last candy, all go home
G right down 2x, go left take all, plant bean, on the left, go up, take telepins, tp. up for candy, tp. up on top, go right a few steps, drill above candy, go right for bridgepins, tp. right for candy go down take all there is, drill above candy, go to plant, go up, go right and down, left down for candy, drill, go up plant, go right down, 2x, take left candy, go left down for candy, plant bean on the left, go up go right down set bridge go down and go left down up left plant, go right, set bridge, take key, go home