


I am married to the best hubby in the World, we have been married for 17 years but have been together for 19 years. He is very sweet and I have got him well trained lol. I have one son who is 14 and a pain in the neck, but then most kids are at that age!!!!!!!. I would love a career change as I am a qualified hairdresser and that is all I have done since leaving school, I would like a job working with younger children, as i used to help out at my local primary school and loved every minute of it, but when we had a new head of school i was no longer needed. I also love cardmaking and have started to sell handmade cards. I have a dog which is a cross between an collie and a jack russell, he is brilliant, my son named him biscuit, such a cute name lol. Well, I think I have gone on long enough, I hope you will leave me a message in my guestbook and I hope to see you in the games, if you see me please say hello, cause as you can tell, I love to chat hahahah!!! Have fun, win big and take care Love from kacey xxxxxxxxxxx 

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