Met some really good friends at college and we all helped each other through!!! Got accepted in to Uni Sep "08". Im now loving being on placement and gettin involved with real nursey things lol best decision i made was going to college then uni...i have made friends for life xxxxIm a mum of 3, 2 boys an my little princess who are all at school now and was part of the reasons im going bk to study. Im married to a gr8 man an hav been 2gether nearly 17yrs married 13yrs of them. I've met some awesome ppl on this site u know who u are and am thankful to them 4 being there 4 me thru some hard times!!!!!!!! but for all the ppl i not met yet im a fun loving girl who adores life and tries to make the most of it....If im on just say hi i don't bite and talk 2 anybody an everybody. Well thats the boring part ova now so tc have fun in the games an don't be a stranger Mwahhhhhhhhhhh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHEATHER XXXX