


HIYA!! im blueboo for thoses who might like to know abit more about me im a gurl who likes to have some funand love tohave a  laff. In my spare time i wrote poems for those who would like too see one of my poems then scroll down. Ppl who don't, then look away LOL!!many thanks for looking at my profile                   BlueBooDedicated to my granny Curnowwill be 7 long years this xmas EvaYour angel took you to a better Place know your leaving us with Such pain and heartache from Your angel taking you So I just wanted you too know I never took you from granted For all the years you was with Us I hold you close to my heart and that’s where you Remain becauseEveryday I wake up realizing thatI’ve lost you as a diamond whiles I was too busy collecting stonesI know I didn’t tell you that I loved you but often enough My heart reminds me most Of the time.

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