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I'm in the process of scanning my family photos and uploading them to my website.  While I do that I also Play games on Playtopia. I'm always at a loss for what to say in these areas.  I guess I could just ramble.  I like playing games on playtopia.  I probably play too much.  Today it was raining, but the rain was freezing and I stayed home and used GOTOMYPC to work on my business computer in another city.  I love that I can do that.  We will have to see what tomorrow brings in the way of weather.  I may have to stay home again.  I live going into work.  I enjoy the poeple there.  We don't talk very much.  But the time we do spend visiting is enjoyable.  My husband is going to pick up him mother and bring her here tonight.  Her electricity is out.  She will spend the night here.  A woman just had eight babies.  I think that is just wonderful.  She is going to breast feed.  WOW.  I wonder how she will have enough milk.  that is just amazing.  Good for her.I have a granddaughter and a grandson.  Today my grandson stayed home with his mother because of bad weather.  She send me cute picutres of their day at home.   I love technology.  Isn't it great that I can see my grandchild who is in another city with just the click of a couple of buttons.  I should be cooking.  My husband and mother-in-law will be here two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirthteen fourteen fiftheen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four 

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